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support & enhanced quality of life...
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...palliative care

Palliative care helps those living with a serious illness maintain their quality of life while also providing support to family and loved ones.

Available 24/7  •  365 Days a Year  •  Call Us Anytime:  864.833.6287

What is Palliative Medicine?

What is Palliative Medicine?

Coping with a serious illness becomes harder over time, but that doesn't mean that quality of life should suffer...

If you or a loved one are living with a serious illness, you should consider adding palliative care to your treatment.  Coping with serious illness becomes harder over time and quality of life often suffers.  Palliative care focuses on improving quality of life, while offering support to family and other loved ones.  Palliative medicine consultations from physicians or nurse practitioners are available in multiple settings such as hospitals, skilled nursing and assisted living facilities, and outpatient clinics.


Call us at 864.833.6287 for more information or to schedule a consultation.

More resources:

Caregiver Resources >>
Patient & Family Resources >>

When is Palliative Medicine appropriate?

When is Palliative Medicine appropriate?

Palliative Medicine may be appropriate when...

  • your quality of life has been suffering due to your illnesses.

  • your condition has worsened despite the best care by your doctors.

  • you need more help from family and friends because of your worsening condition.

  • you have had multiple and frequent trips to the physician's office or hospital to address your serious illness and symptoms.

  • the information provided by your doctors is sometimes confusing.

  • you need help understanding what to expect in the future and what choices are available to you. 

More resources:

Hospice Care or Palliative Care? >>

Palliative Care: Dispelling the Myths >>

Where is Palliative Care provided?

Where is Palliative Care provided?

Palliative Care will care for you in...

  • Your home

  • Skilled nursing facilities

  • Assisted living facilities

  • Independent living communities

  • Memory care units

  • VIA Health Partners clinics located in Clinton, South Carolina and in Pineville, Lincolnton, and Huntersville in North Carolina

More resources:

Palliative Care Clinics >>

VIA Health Partners Service Area >>

How is Palliative Care paid for?

How is Palliative Care paid for?

Palliative Care is covered by Medicare Part B and most commercial insurance plans.

What are the benefits of Palliative Medicine?

What are the benefits of Palliative Medicine?

There are many benefits to Palliative Medicine, including...

  • Individualized support focused on improving quality of life.

  • The opportunity for patients and families to talk about their illness and what is most important to them.

  • The management of difficult symptoms are addressed which often helps patients to feel better.

  • Hospitalizations and unexpected visits to the doctor may decrease.

  • Helping patients and families to understand the progression of the illness which enables them to make informed decisions about treatment options based on their own goals.

  • Advance Care Planning assistance (i.e. Living Wills and Heath Care Powers of Attorney) is provided when needed.

More resources:

Advance Care Planning >>

Palliative Care: Dispelling the Myths >>

Our Palliative Medicine Team

Our Palliative Medicine Team

Palliative Medicine at VIA Health Partners is provided by our specialized team, Palliative Medicine Consultants.


Palliative Medicine Consultants are specially trained physicians, nurse practitioners, and nurses who partner with your physician to provide expert, focused care.  Our palliative medicine team ensures that patients with serious and life-limiting illnesses have quality, coordinated care, and their loved ones and caregivers have the practical and emotional support they need. 

A palliative medicine consultation can be helpful to patients who have illnesses, such as:

  • Advanced cancer

  • Chronic cardiac, kidney, or liver disease that is life-limiting

  • Advanced dementia

  • HIV / AIDS

  • Congestive heart failure

  • Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)

  • Catastrophic illness or injury



Our Palliative Medicine Consultants will address the symptoms related to a patient's serious illness. Symptoms may include:

  • Pain

  • Nausea and vomiting

  • Delirium, anxiety, and agitation

  • Breathing difficulty and chronic cough

  • Insomnia

  • Multiple disease-related hospitalizations over the past few months


We believe that quality of life should not be compromised by illness. 


If you believe that palliative medicine may be beneficial for you or a loved one, or would like to receive more information about our Palliative Medicine Program, call Palliative Medicine Consultants at 864.833.6287.

More resources:

The VIA Palliative Care Path >>

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